Monday, October 15, 2012

The Swedish connection

Ok guys! It's my turn to spread some of the music I've been listening too lately. Expect a strong Scandinavian theme - not just because it's the music I know the best, but mostly because I'm sure you guys already know that the latest OM is amazing and that Nate Hall (U.S. Christmas) released that great solo album etc.

Really this blog should've started 15 years ago, as I was far deeper into new music back then (before kids, 60h work weeks etc)... But then again my lists would mostly have consisted of Japanese hardcore back then...

So... We begin our journey with the AMAZING debut album by GOAT. They are from Sweden, but I'm guessing you could not tell as they are heavily influenced by... Eh... Alot of stuff. Shoegazing-voodoo-african-kraut? I'll let you hear it (you WILL love them!).

They are taking the same route as fellow Swedes Ghost, and they are keeping their identities hidden and they play masked. They kick Ghost's butt in most areas though!

Their debut "World music" apparently can be downloaded from here:

Next up is an old one, but one that you yanks/Canadicks might have missed - and we seriously can't have that happening as it might be my favorite band in the whole genre of slow-doom-metal!

ABANDON from Gothenburg, Sweden, didn't have an easy existence. Not only did one member got sent to jail, but around the same time the singer killed himself, and the two other blokes got cancer... No wonder they sounded like they did. They released two LPs ("In reality we suffer" and their masterpiece "The dead end") until their career (and for some of them their lives) came to an halt.

Here's the opening track from the dead end - it's pure magic!

And here's another one. Hell, I'll NEVER get tired of this record!

Onto another gem from the same city as Abandon - URAN GBG. There is something of an kraut revival going on (well... Like a couple of bands are blending the kraut athomsphere at least... More about this in my next post - it's not really a "scene" or anything), and the leading band is URAN.

However they are (probably because of drug use and that some of them are homeless) not very productive. The stuff they do however is fucking golden! Check out this little gem from their debut LP

Ok - no post without something actually a bit faster... After all I grew up on a strict diet of D.R.I, M.D.C and Jerry's kids etc...

Here's a local band from my hometown UNDERGĂ…NG with a live clip from the release party of their latest record "The mother of armageddon". They are know to play gigs that seriously gets out of line (think early poison idea/dwarves - blood, violence etc) and this show did not disappoint (se the other parts if interested). Check them out on record too, they are definetly worth it. thrashy-american hardcore with their own flavour.

You should be able to find all of these records on the interwebz - if not, and you want them just drop me an email and I'll send them to you.

Ok, that's a wrap - next time I'll probably dare to go out of my comfort zone (Sweden) and perhaps even reach into the rest of Scandinavia! Gimme some feedback - I'd love that - and sorry for my english (we can take it in Swedish or German if you prefer that) :-)


  1. Martin!

    Goat rules! Holy crap that album is good...great find.

    Also digging the Uran GBG. I think your love of Hawkwind is showing with that one. Haven't had a chance to listen to the thrashy stuff yet, but I will before the week is out. I'll report back.


    1. Goat is pretty rad but for me the winner here is clearly Abandon. That's the shit. Thanks Martin. Sorry I'm so late commenting but I have been effectively without internet for the last few weeks. I haven't had a chance to check out the whole record from Abandon but I sure as fuck will be. Awesome. Punishing. I also really dug the Uundergang shit. So hesh. Boss, Hawkwind RULES. Let the love shine through. The Uran GBG reeks of Neu!/early Faust to me. And what a glorious stench it is. I'm glad to see that the dream of kraut is alive in Sweden.

    2. If you don't find it I'll send you the record. It's brilliant. For real.

      Goat show coming up here in Stockholm - it will be nice to see if they are great or just silly on stage.

      Yup - Uran is def very Neu!
